The Hermitage
Frequently Asked Questions
We know you may have some questions, and we are here to help answer them. Below you will find a list of the most common enquiries so far...
How long will the build take?
Subject to planning consent, the work is estimated to take 10 months.
What impact will Yarm 0-3 Years have on traffic?
Yarm School has worked with Dynamic Transport Planning Consultants to produce a Transport Statement. An assessment was undertaken which demonstrates that all vehicles can safely manoeuvre into and within the development site.
Information provided by a specialist Early Years consultant indicates that given the nature of the site as a private nursery, drop-offs will be between 07:30 and 09:00. Therefore, traffic to and from the site will be staggered.
Afternoon collections will be undertaken over a three-hour period, between 15:00 – 18:00, where vehicle trips to the site would continue to be staggered.
Will there be any road closures?
It is anticipated there will be no road closures because there are no planned works in the highway.
How will disruption of the build be minimised for neighbours?
Construction traffic will be retained within the site and all manoeuvres will be made between normal working hours. There is a planned single story wrap around extension which will have a minimal visual impact for neighbouring properties.
Will there be parking on site?
A total of 18 parking spaces are proposed at the site. Given the nature of the 0-3 years provision, staggered arrivals and departures are anticipated where the parking bays would see a short dwell time during drop off and collection.
Additional parking is also available at the nearby Prep School.
Are you demolishing any buildings?
Two external garages will be demolished along with an external store.
What is the plan for landscaping?
The existing hardcore surface to the south of the site is to be replaced with free draining macadam finish. A paved footpath is to be provided from the new pedestrian boundary gate to the main 0-3 years provision entrance.
The North facing garden is to be re-landscaped to provide a safe and secure playground area for the children. The garden is to feature a circular ‘track’ following the existing gently sloping levels finished in wet pour safety surface and bark chippings.
A mix of wildflower meadow plants will provide soft backdrop around the northern boundary of the garden. A variety of native ground covering of shrubs and perennials to the East of the building will provide welcoming environment to the Nursery entrance areas.
The South and South East of the site around the car park area is proposed as a mixture of grassland and wildflower mix / no-mow area.
Three category A trees will be taken out to widen the entrance, with eight new native or cultivar trees planted around the perimeter of the site to provide a positive environment for a variety of wildlife.
No alterations are proposed to the perimeter boundary treatment apart from the main entrance vehicular gates.
The site is in flood zone 1 due to its elevation relative to minor and major watercourses in the locality. The latest surface water mapping published by the EA indicates that there is no risk of surface water flooding on site for the current day scenario.
When will the provision open?
The Yarm School 0-3 Years is subject to planning permission. Subject to planning the build is estimated to take 10 months.
What will be the day cost of Yarm School 0-3 Years?
We expect costs to be comparable to local private day nurseries.
How do I register my interest for the Yarm School 0-3 Years?
To register your interest please email and we will be in touch with more information including an estimated opening date (planning permission depending).
How is the 0-3 years provision structured?
Yarm School's proposed 0-3 years facility extends the current provision on offer from 3-18 to 0-18. The existing Yarm School Nursery that is linked to the Pre-Prep will remain.
Will I be able to use my 30 hours free childcare
Yarm School 0-3 Years families will be able to access 30 hours free childcare if they are eligible.